Friday, August 28, 2009

An uninspired haiku series with questionable grammar (Gijon, Spain)

My last few posts have been so long that even I am intimidated by them -- so this one is going to be a shortie. I considered writing it in haiku form, but . . . wait, that's an excellent idea! Genius. Here goes:


Jesus at the docks
shares the history of Foz,
does not like pizza.

Ex-seaman Pepe,
friend of Alberto's, tells me
about Moon's effect.

Full moon: fish spread out.
New moon: fish stick together.
Plankton glow in dark.

He knows, too, about
life cycles of anchovies --
now almost fished out.

Fishermen seem all
to have a firm grasp on each
species' life cycle.

Later, evening-time,
Alberto introduces
me to old cousins.

They see love sparks where
there are none. They wink and smile.
Wonderful people.


Bus to Gijon -- five
hours. Once here, I see two
art museums. Then

I meet host Daniel,
who takes me on a great tour
of non-tourist parts.

Daniel is a vet
with well-developed views on
politics, world, us.

I learn much from him.
(Bifidus mystery solved:
yogurts not suspect.)


Hours among plants
at botanical gardens.
I really love plants.

Then, motorcycle
ride to nudist beach below
glorious cliffs. Wow!

I hike, fully clothed.
Sun is bright, people outside.
Drink water or die!

At night, dinner with
another CouchSurfer named
Cristiano. Hmm. (Is "Cristiano" three syllables or four? Ergo "hmm.")

Also mmm: good food.
Italian politics
outrageous, I learn.

The late-night habits
of the elderly also
surprised Cristiano. (This time it's three.)

Girlfriend's theory is
that old women have worked hard;
now this time is THEIRS.


Two-hour walk to
the industrial port, which
is like a city.

Another Jesus,
kind-eyed man, tells me about
seaweed collection!

Fascinating, but
alas! I do not see it.
Maybe in Llanes.

Long conversation
with Cristiano that evening.
He is so thoughtful!

Impossible to
sum up life philosophies
in haikus, but here:

Live every moment.
Find beauty in the small things.
Material things fade. (Oh no. Is "material" mah-tee-ree-al or mah-tee-rial? Probably the former. I'm a big-time haiku cheater. Also, I need to go back to elementary school and learn about syllables.)

Made me think a lot.
Lucky to meet people who
make one think a lot.


Gray and rainy day.
Soon my toes will be chilly
as I walk around.


The plan is to go
to Picos de Europa
with a CouchSurfer!

Big mountains, big sky,
trees and rocks and bugs and birds --
my friends. Peaceful breaths.

Well, I would call that a dismal failure. But I'll bet it took a lot less time to read than my usual posts!


  1. No. It's beautiful.
    Life packed into short phrases
    filled with your being.
