Saturday, July 25, 2009

A guest writer! (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

This entry comes with the guarantee that it will be short! Why that is? Well, Irene decided to hire a ghostwriter! Okay, this is not quite true – actually I’m a friend of Irene from Germany, my name is Asmus, I am visiting her for a week and guess what? It is my honor to write today’s blog!! Wowowow, what a tough act to follow… So instead of trying to copy Irene’s entertaining and extensive style, which would lead to epic failure for me, I will try to give you an idea of my impression of Galicia during the last two days.

The people really are very sweet. Just to mention two occasions, we asked an elder man for directions and instead of explaining them he joined us for a couple of minutes during which we learned that his son is working as a heart surgeon in Munich and became a father recently. Later on the same day Irene and I were walking back to the city coming from a hike to the so-called stony mountain (named after ancient stone artwork which we unfortunately didn’t spot). Since we took the road walking back (hm, why did we do that?), it took quite a while. Reaching the suburbs of Santiago we asked a couple for the right way to go, and after we went on that very couple drove up with their car and asked us whether we want a ride. They practically drove us directly to our hostel then (which by the way is a very nice one!).

Guess I should also mention that we had the pleasure to see two very Galician events. Firstly, we were among the lucky crowd in front of the cathedral to witness the famous fireworks during the festival, around midnight on July 24th. Was it 5.000 or 10.000 people on that square? We couldn’t guess, but it was a tight pack of people for sure! And it was worth it, the fireworks turned out to be very beautifully combined with music and video-like projections to the cathedral’s front side – a very intense experience! The second occasion was today on the early afternoon when we “joined” a demonstration for Galicia’s independence, followed by a nice procession with flags, drums and bag pipes. In-de-pen-den-cia!!

Did I mention that I don’t speak any Spanish? Yes, you right, what am I doing here then? Well, I am lucky to have such a care-taking and fluent friend as Irene with me, so I am not completely lost. I really like it here, but I am also looking forward to the coast of the Rias Bajas where we will move to tomorrow!

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